File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
NvAppBase.h [code]Application framework base class
NvAppContext.h [code]Cross-platform rendering Context APIs and information
NvAppContextGL.h [code]
NvAppContextVK.h [code]
NvAssetLoader.h [code]Cross-platform binary asset loader
NvBitFont.h [code]An OpenGL bitmap-font text rendering library Library for rendering text strings under Open GL and GL ES, using bitmap fonts alongside xml files with glyph data annotations
NvCPUTimer.h [code]
NvFramerateCounter.h [code]Simple mean frame rate timer
NvGamepad.h [code]Cross-platform gamepad support
NvGestureDetector.h [code]
NvGestureEvent.h [code]Types and values for abstracting pointer/touch inputs into higher level 'gesture' motions and results
NvGfxConfiguration.h [code]Graphics API representation
NvGLAPI.h [code]Graphics API version representation
NvGLSLProgram.h [code]GLSL shader program wrapper
NvGPUTimerVK.h [code]GPU timers and scope wrappers
NvImage.h [code]Image-handling support (loading, editing, GL textures)
NvImageGL.h [code]Image-handling support (loading, editing, GL textures)
NvInputHandler.h [code]Basic input handling base class
NvInputHandler_CameraFly.h [code]
NvInputTransformer.h [code]Automated input-to-camera motion mapping
NvKeyboard.h [code]Cross-platform keycode representation
NvLogs.h [code]Cross-platform application logging to file and console
NvMaterialGL.h [code]
NvMaterialVK.h [code]
NvMath.h [code]Overall math class header
NvMatrix.h [code]Basic matrix classes with math operations
NvMeshExtGL.h [code]OpenGL geometric mesh data handling and rendering
NvMeshExtVK.h [code]VK geometric sub-mesh data handling and rendering
NvModel.h [code]3D API-compatible geometric object loader and optimizer
NvModelExt.h [code]
NvModelExtBuilder.h [code]
NvModelExtGL.h [code]OpenGL geometric model handling and rendering
NvModelExtVK.h [code]VK-specific multi-submesh geometric model handling and rendering
NvModelGL.h [code]OpenGL geometric model handing and rendering
NvModelMaterial.h [code]
NvModelSubMesh.h [code]
NvModelSubMeshBuilder.h [code]
NvModelVK.h [code]VK geometric model handing and rendering
NvPackedColor.h [code]Simple abstraction for RGBA colors as parameters to various libraries/functions
NvPlatformContext.h [code]Platform-independent input and system context
NvPlatformGL.h [code]Platform-independent OpenGL[ES] header
NvPlatformVK.h [code]Platform-independent VK header
NvQuadVK.h [code]VK quad rendering
NvQuaternion.h [code]Basic quaternion class with math operations
NvSafeCommandBuffer.h [code]
NvSampleApp.h [code]Sample app base class
NvSampleAppGL.h [code]GL-based Sample app base class
NvSampleAppVK.h [code]VK-based Sample app base class
NvShaderMappings.h [code]This file allows applications to use a single file to declare the uniforms in a GLSL shader AND C++ code
NvShapesGL.h [code]Basic shape rendering
NvSimpleFBO.h [code]OpenGL Framebuffer Object wrappers
NvSimpleSyncRing.h [code]
NvSimpleUBO.h [code]
NvSkeleton.h [code]
NvStopWatch.h [code]Basic wall-clock timer
NvString.h [code]Cross-platform string handling for 'printf' needs
NvThread.h [code]Cross-platform threading wrapper API
NvTime.h [code]
NvTimers.h [code]GPU timers and scope wrappers
NvTokenizer.h [code]Classes for tokenizing of input character streams
NvTweakBar.h [code]Implements a UI system for sample applications to display visual widgets for interacting with the C variables that control the application, using NvTweakVarBase to abstract access to those variables
NvTweakVar.h [code]Implements a system for indirect referencing of physical C variables from an abstracted object, by keeping a reference to a variable along with an 'action code' that can be used to connect up with NvTweakBar widgets, NvSampleApp's input mapping, or other custom code
NvUI.h [code]A cross-platform, GL/GLES-based, simple user interface widget framework
NvVector.h [code]Basic float vector support
NvVkContext.h [code]VK context utilities and wrappers
NvVkUtil.h [code]
nosdk/vulkan/vk_platform.h [code]
vk_platform.h [code]
vkfnptrinline.h [code]
vulkan.h [code]
vulkannv.h [code]